Ms. Sue Has No Clue

Ms. Sue Has No Clue

Ms. Sue Has No Clue
Published: 2013
Ella Mentry is having a fund-raiser, and guess who's in charge? Alexia's mom, Ms. Sue! The school's selling everything from popcorn to goldfish to raise money for a new playground. But what happens when Ms. Sue crosses the line? Someone's going to end up in the big house!

This story is about Alexia’s mom being hired to help with the school fund-raiser to purchase new playground equipment. Some of Ms. Sue’s ideas are a little crazy, like a “kiss-a-toad” booth!

She manages to raise $5,000 then Mr. Klutz, the principal, is accused of stealing the money. You’ll have to read the book for yourself to find out who is the thief.

My favorite part of the story is when Ms. Sue hosts a beauty pageant at the carnival … featuring all of the boy teachers!

You should read this book because it’s really funny!